Welcome Letter

To Our Beloved Future Priest,


Blessings!  Trinity Episcopal Church is a small congregation in Anderson, Indiana. We support various social causes, and are an open, affirming, loving community. We are diverse in age—although having mostly an aging congregation. Many of us are not “cradle Episcopalians.” Perhaps 50% of the people who have become members in the last several years were not formerly Episcopalians. We recently have attracted younger people and worshippers of all ages who enjoy the warmth and fellowship our church offers.


Our Sunday worship attendance averages about 35. There are approximately 45 pledging households. We also have a Wednesday noon service that is attended by some who cannot attend on Sunday. Our worship and music styles are eclectic. Rite II Eucharist is our dominant service. Morning Prayer with sung canticles is conducted once a month. Periodically, we begin Sunday morning worship with Taize meditative chants or a small musical ensemble (keyboard, ukulele, dulcimer and guitars) plays jazzy hymn arrangements. We appreciate our Episcopal heritage and want our journey honored by someone who can help us on that journey, wherever God may lead.


Our Wednesday service is followed by a free community lunch prepared by church volunteers and offered to anyone who is hungry. We often serve 85 to 100 people each week. Some of them join our worship service from time to time. Trinity Church is in an economically challenged location in downtown Anderson, and we sense a special call to serve the needy and dispossessed in our community.


Our church building is used throughout the week by various community groups, and we would welcome opportunities for further use of our facilities by other community groups or agencies. One of the things we seek in a priest is someone who can offer guidance and support on how we can continue to create vibrant ministries what are realistic and doable for the congregation.


We seek a priest with whom we can share mutual love, respect, and responsibility. The position offered is part time or bi-vocational (at the priest’s discretion). We can be flexible in working out an arrangement that will work for all parties involved.


In short, what we want is shared ministry with a friend and leader in Christ. We believe that God is not finished with us yet, and we seek to grow into the vision God has for Trinity. We are praying that we find the right person to help us achieve that goal, and that the right person finds us.


If you feel called to enter into mutual discernment, please send a letter of interest, CV and OTM profile to Transition Minister Jennifer Phelps at phelps@indydio.org.


Blessings on your journey!