• Shrove Tuesday
  • Easter
  • Blessing for pets
  • Fellowship
  • Palm crosses


Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church!  

Our Mission:

Guided by Christ, we will serve all people with open arms, minds and hearts. Come share with us the pathway of faith.


If you are unable to attend in person, you may follow our recorded Sunday service after it is uploaded to our Facebook page Trinity Episcopal Church or on our YouTube channel TECanderson.

Get to Know Us

  • Pet Blessing

    We will have our annual Pet Blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi on Sunday, October 6th at 2:00 p.m.  Please have your pet on leash or in a crate.  The service will be outside, weather permitting.

  • Wednesday Outreach

    Every Wednesday, anyone who is hungry is invited to a free lunch prepared by our members and served from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Especially during the winter months, Trinity's hot meal may nurish as many as 100 people. To further assist those in need, Trinity distributes paper and personal-care items at the end of the month. Food donations for this program are accepted (bread/buns, lunch meat, cheese, cookies, etc.), and volunteers are welcome to prepare and distribute the lunches. Monetary donations also may be directed to this outreach program.

  • Meditation Series

    Our own Dr. James Alexander records a daily mediation series on love and the Christian mystics. His YouTube channel offers guided meditations to start your day. Have a look!  The Mystic's Way for Regular People

  • Online Giving

    Online giving is now available!  Click on the link Gifts/ Pledges to Trinity for your donation. Your gift helps sustain our ministries.